We strive to make the Voucher Ninja website as easy to use as possible for all visitors to the site.
Searching By Company
Each company will have their own dedicated page on Voucher Ninja, you can easily find a full list of our retailers via the stores link in the header of the website. We also provide a search form at the top of the website to allow you to search for individual retailers, which will redirect you to their dedicated page which lists all their current discount codes.
Searching By Category
If you are after a certain type of product, then we also categorise each of our voucher codes to make it easy for you to find every code for a certain category. For example all clothing coupon codes can be found under the Fashion category.
Getting The Discount Code
Once you have found a discount code you would like to use, simply click the “Reveal Code” button, which will open up a popup window that will allow you to copy the code, and then visit the retailers website.
Applying The Discount Code
Each retailer will have a different area for entering their discount code, but most websites will have this feature in the basket or cart page, before proceeding to the checkout page.
Leave a Rating
If your code has worked successfully, why not leave a rating for others to see that the code successfully worked for yourself.